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I would really love to see achievements and/or challenges for doing things particularly quickly, getting orders right allot, never making mistakes while using the equipment, ETC, for fun things like being friendly by talking to everyone fully or throwing lots and lots of cups and cinnabons, ETC, and [optionally] for doing things wrong allot.

Thanks for the feedback! Soon i'll start working on a new version for the game :) 

also a feature to save game, maybe if the game could be made longer, more food or drink items, etc.

maybe some facts/trivia about the ites could be nice.

This was a really fun and cosy experience. I absolutely loved this entry and it may be one of my favorites.ö The voice acting was brilliant and really funny, the atmosphere was very nice and all the sounds were good. The accessibility worked really well and i could perform all the tasks and do all the orders. I look forward to seeing this get further developed. Thanks so much for a really great submission.

Thank you!!!

wo! I hope the game didn't stop here, this is a good game! Many things can be added, like maybe the money they give can be used for something, such as upgrades. Anyway, it's just a suggestion...

Very fun game! The concept is cool and interesting

There's just one big problem. When you get asked by the customer who wants a double espresso and a large capoutchino, no matter what you attempt, the large capoutchino refuses to be served.

I've even tried to make all 6 different drinks in case I could work around the issue, nop, nop, and nop. So, we can't get past this point of the game.

Hi, Thank you.

You are the first one who encountered this problem. Which customer was it? On what day?


sorry, I'm an idiot. I got my brain to confuse "large" and "strong", for some reason If you make a capoutchino in a large cup it works. Duh. I feel like a dummy now. ;)

Haha don't worry about it! Glad you made it through <3

really cool game.!

i'd love it if you could add more levels and conversation options.

some more food as well.

also, a way to save/resume.

good job by the vas.!

Right, I would like to keep playing it but a save option would be really important for that.